A country which proposes to make use of modern war as an instrument of policy must possess a highly centralized, all-powerful executive, hence the absurdity of talking about the defense of democracy by force of arms. A democracy which makes or effectively prepares for modern scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic.
-- Aldous Huxley
مـي گـفتي اي عــزيـز، ستـرون شـدست خاك
ايــنـك بـبـيــن بــرابــر چـشـم تـو چـيـسـتنـد؟
هر صبح و شب به غارت طوفان روند و باز
بـاز آخـــريـن شـقــايـــق ايـن خـاك نـيـسـتـنـد
- شفیعی کدکنی
نقل مطالب با ذکر مأخذ آزاد است.